bring, take, lead A to B prevent, keep A from B cause, enable, allow A to do remind, deprive A of B cost, save, find A B surprise,excite,satisfy 無生物主語構文の復習問題
※和訳するときは、「人」を主語に、「物」を副詞(句 or 節)のように訳すとうまく訳せます。
◎ cost A B ( A[人]にB[出費や手間]を払わせる )
◎ save A B ( A[人]にB[出費や手間]を省いてやる )
◎ find A B <時間などを主語にして>、( A[人]をBに見いだす )
● The dress cost me 1,000$.
● Your help saved me a lot of time.
● Tomorrow will find you in the bus.
問題:次の[ ]内の語を並び替えましょう。
[the trouble, you, me, saved, phoning, to, of, writing]
[may, you, life, driving, cost, your, careless]
[next, found, on, lying, morning, the sofa, him, the]
1.Phoning saved me the trouble of writing to you.
[ 無生物主語構文 save A B ( AにBをを省いてやる )]
2.Careless driving may cost you your life.
[ 無生物主語構文 cost A B ( AにBを払わせる )]
3.The next morning found him lying on the sofa.
[ 無生物主語構文 find A B ( 時間などを主語にして、AをBに見いだす )]