

動名詞の否定/意味上の主語完了動名詞動詞の後は動名詞?不定詞?動名詞の復習問題remember to do/remember doing動名詞の慣用句動名詞の発展学習動名詞演習問題動名詞総合テスト



1 かっこ内から適当な語を選びましょう。 各1点×8=8点

1. Your hair needs ( to cut, cutting, to have cut ).

2. You should avoid ( calling, to call, to be called ) a person after ten at night.

3. Remember ( to take, taking, to have taken ) the medicine before eating.

4. I tried ( smiling, to smile ), but I couldn't.

5. I regret ( having said, saying, to say ) I can't attend the meeting.

6. Mary isn't used to ( sit, have sat, sitting ) in the Japanese style.

7. We are looking forward to ( see, seeing, having seen ) you again.

8. It goes without ( saying, having said, talking ) that diligence is the key to success.

2 2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(  )内から適当な語を選びましょう。 各1点×6=6点

1.He was ashamed that he had asked such a silly question.
= He was ashamed of (  )(  ) such a silly question.

2.He insists that I should attend the meeting.
= He insists on (  )(  ) the meeting.

3.We cannot but admire his talent.
= We cannot help (  ) his talent.

4.It is impossible to know what may happen.
= There is (  )(  ) what may happen.

5.As soon as she saw the picture. she suddenly began to laugh.
= (  )(  ) the picture, she suddenly began to laugh.

6.How about taking a rest?
= What do you (  ) to (  ) a rest?

3 かっこ内を並び替えましょう。(解答は下にあります) 各2点×3=6点

[ your, remember, me, to, I, see, sister, and, you, ] 【1語不足している】

[ regret, your advice, I, having, taken, ] 【1語不足している】

[ Betty, Japan, Ukiyoe, with, came, a, to, to, view, ] 【1語不足している】


1 1.cutting (hair と cutting は受動関係) 2.calling ( avoid doing )  3.to take ( remember to do これからすることを覚えている)  4.to smile ( try to do ~しようとする) 5.to say (regret to do 残念ながら~する)  6.sitting (be used to doing ) 7.seeing ( look forward to doing )  8.saying ( it goes without saying that 言うまでもない)

2 1.having asked 2.my (me) attending (動名詞の意味上の主語を忘れずに)  3.admiring ( cannot help doing ) 4.no knowing ( there is no doing~: ~できない)  5.On seeing ( on doing~ : ~するとすぐに) 6.say taking ( what do you say to doing~ : ~するのはどうですか?)

3 1.I remember you and your sister coming to see me. ( you and your sister が動名詞の意味上の主語 )
2.I regret not having taken your advice. ( not は基本的に動名詞の直前に)
3.Betty came to Japan with a view to studying Ukiyoe. ( with a view to doing~ : ~する目的で )

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