

直接話法と間接話法(肯定文)  間接話法(疑問文)  間接話法(命令/依頼/忠告/提案)  間接話法(感嘆文/祈願文)  間接話法(重文/複数の文)  直接話法と間接話法の問題演習 

高校英文法の話法を練習問題にしています。全20問構成で、 練習問題の最後に解説があります。間違えた問題は解説を参考にしてください。



A.直接話法と間接話法の書き換えになるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) She said to me,“I will go shopping.”
 She (  ) me that (  )(  ) go shopping.

(2) Mother said to me,“Clean your room.”
 Mother (  ) me (  ) clean (  ) room.

(3) Our teacher said to us,“Don't be late for school.”
  Our teacher told us (  )(  ) be late for school.

(4) He said to me,“Please open the door.”
 He (  ) me (  )(  ) the door.

(5) He said to us,“Let's go for a walk.”
  He (  ) to us that we (  ) for a walk.

(6) She said to him,“How did you come here?”
 She asked him how (  )(  )(  )(  ).

(7) He said to her,“Did you call me yesterday?”
 He asked her (  ) she (  )(  ) him (  )(  )(  ).

(8) She said,“How happy I am!”
 She said (  ) joy that she (  )(  ) happy.

(9) Our leader said,“Two members are tired and we have to take a rest.”
 Our leader said that two members (  ) tired and (  ) we had to take a rest.

(10) He said to me,“Study hard, and you will pass the exam.”
  He told me (  )(  ) studied hard (  )(  ) pass the exam.

B.直接話法と間接話法の書き換えになるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) She said to Tonny,“I want to see you next week.”
 She told Tonny that (  )(  ) to see him (  ) next week.

(2) Father said to me,“The earth goes around the sun.”
 Father told me that the earth (  ) around the sun.

(3) She said to him,“Did you do your homework yesterday ?”
  She asked him (  )(  )(  )(  ) his homework the day before.

(4) He said to me,“Don't smoke here, please.”
 He (  ) me (  )(  ) smoke (  ).

(5) Father said to me yesterday,“My friend will come to our house tomorrow.”
  Father told me yesterday that (  ) friend (  ) come to our house (  ) .

(6) She said,“May he be alive !”
 She (  ) that he (  )(  ) alive.

(7) Mother said to me,“I'm going shopping. Will you go with me ?”
 Mother (  ) me that (  )(  ) going shopping and (  ) me (  ) I (  ) go with her.

C.間接話法が直接話法となるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) He told me not to tell a lie.
  He (  ) to me,“(  )(  ) a lie.”

(2) She exclaimed how careless she had been.
  She said,“(  ) careless (  )(  ) !”

(3) The policeman greeted him and asked what he was doing then.
  The policeman said to him,“(  )! What (  )(  ) doing (  ) ?”


A 1.told/she would:said to 人の肯定文は、told+人+that S+V に。時制の一致でwill→would を忘れずに。
2.told/to/my:「人に~するように言う」は、tell+人+to do~。
3.not to:tell+人+not to~ 「~しないように人に言う」
4.asked/to open:被伝達文でPlease~があれば、動詞は、ask+人+to do~で、「人に~することを頼む」
5.suggested [proposed]/go:被伝達文でLet's~があれば、動詞は、suggest, propose「提案する」を用います。that節中では、仮定法現在の(should)+原形
6.he had come there:疑問詞を用いた疑問文の場合、ask+人+疑問詞+S+V~ 。被伝達部の過去形は過去完了形に。here(ここ)はthere(そこ)に
7.if/had called/the previous day:疑問詞のない疑問文の場合、ask+人+if[whether]+S+V~ 。ifは「~かどうかを」。yesterdayは、the previous day, か the day before 「前の日」に。
8.with/was very:感嘆文の話法は、伝達動詞をexclaim, cry (叫ぶ)にする場合と、「喜んで言う」say with joy (delight), 「ため息をついて言う」say with a sigh,「後悔して言う」say with regret, などを用います。what, how を用いない場合は、very を加えましょう。
9.were/that:重文の間接話法です。被伝達文の重文が続く場合、and, but の後はthatでつなぎます。
10.if I/I would:命令文+and~の話法は、まずifS+V~に直して間接話法にします。

B 1.she wanted/the:next~(次の~)→ the next~, the following~ (その次の~)
3.if he had done:疑問詞がないので、if S+V~ 時制の一致で過去完了に。
4.asked/not to/there:Don'tとpleaseがあるので、動詞はask+人+not to do~「~しないように頼む」 here(ここで)→there(そこで)
5.his/would/today:代名詞をhis、時制の一致でwillをwould、tomorrowと言ったのは昨日なので、間接話法ではtoday に。
6.prayed/might be:祈願文はpray, beg, wish などを伝達動詞に用います。時制の一致で、may→might。
7.told/she was/asked/if/would:2種類以上の文を含む間接話法は、内容によって伝達動詞を分けます。

C 1.said/Don't tell:直接話法の伝達動詞は、said+to+人に。tell+人+not to do~(人に~しないように言う)は、Don't~に書き換え。
2.how/I was:間接話法の中で、exclaimed(叫ぶ)とhowが使われているので、感嘆文。
3.Hello/are you/now:間接話法の伝達動詞greetは、「挨拶する」なので、直接話法では、HelloやHiなどの語句に替えます。then(その時)はnow(今)に

