It is ( about / high ) time + S + 仮定法過去 ~ (もう~するころだ)
⇒ 意味は「現在」です。「現在」の事実とは反対のことを述べており、仮定法「過去」となっています。
※ about (そろそろ~), high(とっくに~)
● It is about time you went to bed. (もうそろそろ寝る時間ですよ。)
If it were not for ~ (もし、~がなければ)
= Were it not for ~ (if省略で倒置形)
= But for ~
= Without ~
If it had not been for ~ (もし、~がなかったなら)
= Had it not been for ~(if省略で倒置形)
= But for ~
= Without ~
If only + 仮定法過去~、仮定法過去完了~
● If only I could play tennis. (テニスさえできたらなあ。)
= I am sorry I cannot play tennis. (テニスができなくて残念だ。)
as it were いわゆる = so to speak
He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. (彼はいわゆる、歩く辞書だ。)
otherwise (もしそうでないならば)
with ~ (もし~があれば:~があったら)
would that = I wish (~であればなあ)
不定詞が if 節の働きをします。
● To hear her speak English, you would take her for an American.
= If you heard her speak English, you would take her for an American.