関係代名詞の制限用法 前置詞+関係代名詞 非制限用法と制限用法 関係代名詞thatとof which/挿入節 関係代名詞の復習問題① 関係代名詞whatと関係形容詞what 擬似関係代名詞 関係代名詞の復習問題② 関係代名詞の総合テストⅠ 関係副詞 関係副詞復習問題 複合関係詞 複合関係詞復習問題 関係詞総合テストⅡ
1 次のかっこ内から正しい語句を選びましょう。
1. That is the place ( where, which, when ) I was born in.
2. This is the temple ( where, which, that ) I went three years ago.
3. Friday is the day ( when, which, what ) I am busy on.
4. I went to Paris, ( where, which, what ) is the greatest city in France.
5. This is the place ( where, which, that ) I have long wanted to live.
6. A time will come ( when, what, which ) you will regret your attitude.
2 かっこ内を並び替えましょう。(解答は下方にあります)
1. ( how, mastered, me, tell, you, English, )
2. ( is, it, the, which, happened, way, that, in, how, )
あのようにしてそれは起こった。 【1語余分な語がある】
3. ( him, reason, love, he, why, the, is, I, that, is, honest, )
4. (buses, standing, saw, where, the, stop, her, always, we )
1 1.which (I was born in に続くのは名詞の the place) 2.where ( to the temple で、副詞) 3.which (I am busy on に続くのは名詞の the day) 4.which (後ろがisで、主語になる=名詞 ) 5.where (live : 自動詞なので副詞) 6.when (a time が先行詞。which はregretの目的語ではない。⇒ when)
2 1. Tell me how you mastered English
2. That is the way in which it happened.(how 余分)(the way とhowは同時使用できない。 )
[参考:That is how~(あのようにして~), This is how~(このようにして~)]
3. The reason why I love him is that he is honest.
4. We saw her standing where the buses always stop.